The CCIAP welcomes Panama’s integration with Mercosur

News from Panama / Friday, July 12th, 2024

The president of the Chamber of Commerce, Industries and Agriculture (CCIAP), Juan Arias, assured that every new market for Panama is positive, there are more enormous opportunities in the Common Market of the South (Mercosur), they are countries with a lot of population and for the country opportunities for export could be converted, so we see it with very good eyes.

“Panama’s exports would grew. I would think it is the intention of President José Raúl Mulino, so we see it with very good eyes,” Arias reiterated.

The words of the president of the CCIAP, were given after President Mulino, formalized on Monday, July 8, on his visit to Paraguay, Panama’s interest in participating in the Southern Common Market (Mercosur), the integration mechanism that make up Brazil, Argentina, Uruguay, Paraguay and Bolivia.

For his part, the Panamanian chancellor, Javier Martínez Acha, held a meeting with his Uruguayan counterpart, Omar Paganini, where they analyzed ideas on the exploration of an agreement that allows Panama to approach the bloc of Mercosur countries.

Paganini expressed Uruguay’s willingness to promote Panama’s rapprochement with Mercosur, under a formula of complement between its economies.

Meanwhile, Martínez Acha indicated that Panama’s interest is to create the way to approach the fifth economy in the world, Mercosur.