Deputy Minister of Economy highlights new strategic alliances and sustainable financing framework

News from Panama / Friday, July 5th, 2024

During the first forum of the Panamanian Capital Market Association (APAMEC) 2024, the Deputy Minister of Economy, Eida Sáiz, highlighted the importance of strategic alliances and celebrated the recent approval, in June 2024, of the new sustainable financing framework. In his speech, Sáiz stressed the firm commitment of the Panamanian government to strengthen the capital market. This framework, he said, is a crucial step to promote responsible investments and promote economic sustainability in Panama.

This framework will allow the Government to issue bonds and contract green, social and sustainable loans, channeling funds towards investments that promote environmental objectives, reduce poverty and improve national competitiveness. Saíz emphasized that this initiative is aligned with international commitments such as the Paris Agreement, directing public and private financial flows towards sustainable climate change mitigation projects.

The deputy minister also highlighted the efforts of the Ministry of Economy and Finance (MEF) to improve transparency and efficiency in tax management, including the digitization of processes to facilitate the visualization and analysis of economic and financial data of the country.

As for fiscal policy, he stressed the government’s commitment to the development of a multi-year strategic plan that responsibly manages the fiscal deficit and reduces public debt, crucial actions to maintain the confidence of international investors in the Panamanian economy.

Since its foundation in 2009, APAMEC has played a fundamental role in the promotion of the capital market in Panama. “This forum represents an invaluable opportunity for the exchange of ideas and collaboration between professionals in the stock market,” said the deputy minister.

APAMEC 2024 is designed to address the most relevant issues in the financial sector, providing updates on the latest trends and facilitating a valuable exchange of perspectives among participants.