MEF executed the transfer of US$1,000,000, to AEEA

News from Panama / Friday, June 7th, 2024

The Ministry of Economy and Finance (MEF), executed the transfer of US$1,000,000, which will be destined for the establishment of the offices of the Special Economic Agency of Aguadulce (AEEA), which will be based in that same district of the province of Coclé.

The transfer that once approved is included in the ISTMO System, all the amounts and items according to the objects of expenses already presented, so on the occasion of this transaction a meeting was held in which the guidelines were given, by the MEF, to access the resources, while the indications were advanced to present the preliminary draft budget for 2025 of the AEEA.

With this new regime that will have an area of 1,758 hectares owned by the State, the growth of the central provinces towards foreign trade and service activities is potentialized.

Within this area, the import, export and re-export, wholesale of finished products and services such as: Realing or other maritime services auxiliary to ships, products will be exported by air from the airports located in the central provinces.

Likewise, products made by companies that manufacture finished products within the area, related to the activities of maintenance, repair, conversion and conversion of aircraft and related activities, transport logistics activities and products related to the oil-free zones that operate within the area.