Chiriqui businessmen create a committee to promote the Panama-David train

News from Panama / Friday, May 31st, 2024

During a discussion organized by the Competitiveness Center of the Western Region (CECOMRO), the Chiriquí-Panama Pro Train Committee was created, which will be responsible for promoting and lobbying to ensure that that investment can be given, said Felipe Venicio Rodríguez, former president of Camchi and member of the committee.

“A series of authorizations are still needed and the president (elected) is requesting it. Then you must be followed up to get the financing and you can then start the construction as soon as possible. We understand that this process can take a couple of years, before everything is ready to start construction. There is already a job led by Mr. Óscar Ramírez in 2017, who is resting in the Secretariat of Goals, that is a preview of the feasibility study that was given away by the People’s Republic of China,” Rodríguez explained.

The former president of Camchi said that Mr. Carlos Ernesto González De La Lastra made an excellent presentation on the subject and the history that Chiriquí has had with the railways, “remembering that Chiquita (company) was one of the great users of the train that existed in Chiriquí and Bocas del Toro.”

“The Chiricano was always accustomed to having a railroad in Chiriquí, unfortunately with the road, he was losing validity; however, now with the new logistical methods there is a great possibility that the entire isthmus can be joined, from the ports of Panama, which is our longing, towards the area of David. We are of the opinion that even David falls short, this must continue to Paso Canoas, with a branch to Puerto Armuelles so that it has all the logistical sense, using some areas where railway servitude still exist,” Rodríguez said.

In addition, the Chirican businessman said that there would be “a possibility of uniting Panama with Colombia. There is also that idea. It would join to the north of Darién, cross an area of San Blas and enter Colombia. All these ideas exist.”

This committee involves businessmen and members of civil society at the national level, under the coordination of the Territorial Management Commission led by Jorge Alberto Nasta. At the meeting, it was also approved to support the celebration of the Chiriquí-Panama International Railway Congress.