Panama’s Financial Analysis Unit and the United Kingdom Embassy sign collaboration memorandum

News from Panama / Friday, May 24th, 2024

With the aim of establishing a communication and collaboration channel to improve effectiveness in the fight against money laundering, the financing of terrorism and the proliferation of weapons of mass destruction, the Financial Analysis Unit (UAF) and the Embassy of the United Kingdom and Northern Ireland in Panama have signed a memorandum of collaboration.

This agreement will allow both institutions to promote meetings and carry out joint activities, contributing to the increase in knowledge about their work and highlighting the benefits of establishing cooperation mechanisms in the exchange of information and financial intelligence. In addition, the agreement seeks to strengthen these activities in accordance with international good practices.

The memorandum includes the donation by the United Kingdom government of a new software called FIU360, along with its installation and consultancy. This software aims to modernize the platform for receiving information from the obligated subjects and the document management of the UAF, among other functions.

During the signing of the agreement, Isabel Pérez Henríquez, director of the UAF, said that this agreement strengthens the work of the institution, which is fundamental in the national structure designed to face criminal activities related to money laundering, the financing of terrorism and the proliferation of weapons of mass destruction.

For his part, the British ambassador to Panama, James Dauris, reiterated that Panama can count on the support of the United Kingdom as a strategic ally in the fight against organized crime. This mutual effort is part of the efforts to guarantee security and prosperity, considering the various risks that each country must face in an increasingly complex and multipolar world.