Video surveillance cameras proved their effectiveness in the fight against crime in 2023

News from Panama / Friday, January 5th, 2024

The National Operation Center (CON) of the Ministry of Public Security (Minseg) of Panama has proven to be an effective tool in the fight against crime and during the year 2023 facilitated the capture of more than 2,200 people requested by competent authorities.

This center, which operates with video surveillance cameras and is interconnected with other regional centers and commercial establishments throughout the country, highlighted its success by recovering 382 vehicles previously reported as stolen in the provinces of Colón, West Panama, the San Miguelito district, and the districts of Don Bosco and San Francisco.

The actions of the CON were recorded through the video surveillance cameras and the emergency line 104, operated by an inter-institutional team available 24 hours a day, seven days a week. This camera system allows a faster response to incidents, and the implementation of panic buttons, facial recognition and plates has further strengthened police operations.

Oscar Bernal, coordinator of the CON, reported that 17,191 preventive actions were carried out, highlighting the intervention in crimes such as robbery, theft, sale of drugs, homicide, arson, juvenile offenders, domestic violence, captures and suicide situations.

According to CON statistics, 265 animal rescues were carried out and 768 assistance was provided in cases of medical emergencies, including transfers to hospitals.

Bernal stressed that, with the aim of improving security, the operational areas of the Video Surveillance Center of San Miguelito, Chepo, Boquete were strengthened, as well as the banking areas of the National Bank and the Savings Bank.