Panama will be the Latin American capital of global telecommunications

News from Panama / Friday, December 8th, 2023

About 120 experts in the field of telecommunications will meet in Panama City at the Latin American Communications Conference to learn about the latest research and innovations in technology, share ideas and best practices to collaborate on future projects.

This conference that brings together audiences from both the telecommunications industry and the academy of the Institute of Electrical and Electronic Engineers (IEEE) of the Latin American region, highlights experts in Big Data, Machine Learning, 5G and 6G Technology, Internet of Things, Artificial Intelligence, Robotics and Telecommunications.

The event also attracts proposals and participants from around the world with topics that serve the country as inputs to generate public policies on telecommunications, allowing the benefits of technology to reach a greater part of the population.

Engineer Susana Lau, President of IEEE-Panama, indicated that the arrival of this international meeting is a very positive sign for the country that has managed to position itself as a reference point for scientific activities of the highest level.

The aspects that will be addressed in the sessions of the event have great relevance and relevance, and from there new projects and research can be generated that would benefit Panama as a country.

For his part, engineer Héctor Poveda, President of the Organizing Committee of LATINCOM 2023, explained that the presenters will present topics of great scientific importance that will benefit not only the academy but also the technological sector of Panama.

“Receiving researchers and academics of recognized international quality in their respective fields of work is fundamental for local professionals because it will allow them to be at the forefront of the latest developments in such a competitive and constantly evolving industry,” said the President of IEEE-Panama.