The Panamanian Team, won 8th place at the World Robotics Olympiad 2023 that was held in Panama City

News from Panama / Friday, December 1st, 2023

The team of the Panamanian delegation, Robo Filter, from the Thomas Jefferson school, won eighth place in the category Future Innovators (Junior) World Robotics Olympiad 2023 held in Panama City for three days.

The project of the Panamanian students presented a boat capable of filtering and purifying ballast water (used to give stability to the boats), helping to minimize the deviation they must make to pour them.

During three days of the World Robotics Olympiad, more than 1,000 students from 81 countries around the world met in Panama to show their skills in robotic programming and STEAM education (Science, Technology, Engineering, Arts and Mathematics), culminating in a closing ceremony that recognized the dedication, perseverance and creativity of the participants.

Similarly, a total of 177 judges participated in the competition, of which 136 are international, 41 Panamanians. In addition, during the closing event, the venue of the next edition of the World Robotics Olympiad was announced, which will be held in Turkey in 2024, under the slogan Earth Allies.

For the First Lady of the Republic, Yazmín Colón de Cortizo, the World Robotics Olympiad demonstrated the potential of girls, boys and young people to create innovative solutions to problems they identify in their communities, using logical thinking.

“We are excited about the future of robotics and what these young talents will bring to society,” said the First Lady of the Republic of Panama.

For his part, Marvin Castillo, CEO of Fundesteam and organizer of WRO 2023 Panama, said that leading this entire Olympic process has been an enriching experience for the country.

“It is a pride to see the result of the work of thousands of people who, for more than a year, have put all their effort and effort to carry out this important event, leaving the name of Panama high and earning us a key place in the promotion of STEAM and robotics worldwide,” said Castillo.

For Panama, the inclusion of STEAM and robotics skills in education has represented the training of more than 1,600 teachers and the creation of more than 1,000 robotics clubs nationwide.

Winners by category:

Future Innovators (Primary)

First Place: OCEAN HUB – Malaysia

Second Place: GLOBAL CONNECTOR – United States

Third Place: PORTKEY – India

Future Innovators (Junior)

First Place: ADVANZSAFE – Malaysia

Second Place: VILLAGE BOYS – Azerbaijan

Third Place: NOVA EXPLORERS – Morocco

Future Innovators (Senior)

First Place: SUPPORT SUBMARINE – Germany

Second Place: OCEANIC PIONEERS – Canada

Third Place: MINDERS – Greece

Robotic Sports

First Place: OFDL LKY TAIWAN – China Taipei

Second Place: OFDL RTB TAIWAN – China Taipei

Third Place: BITLAB – Greece

Future Engineers

First Place: Robotov League Tajikistan – Tajikistan

Second Place: Robotek Prime – Kazakhstan

Third Place: BLACK FINGERS – KSA – Saudi Arabia

Robotic Missions (Primary)

First Place: GO! GO! PC2 – Malaysia

Second Place: SKBU2 – Malaysia

Third Place: RFL MARINE BOT – India

Robotic Missions (Junior)

First Place: KWANGHUA FALCON 01 – Malaysia

Second Place: UP UP C.H.M – Malaysia

Third Place: ROBOTEK CYREX – Kazakhstan

Robotic Missions (Senior)

First Place: ROBOLUTION – Switzerland

Second Place: ROBOTICS BOYS – Germany

Third Place: QYZLORDA RAGE – Kazakhstan