Panama has 3,039,416 people qualified to vote

News from Panama / Friday, October 13th, 2023

Less than seven months before the elections in Panama, there are 3,039,416 people authorized to vote in those elections.

This figure must vary taking into account that a percentage of citizens must be included and excluded, however the figure for May 5, 2024 will be around 3.1 million people.

Of that total number of citizens, 56.22% of citizens are affiliated with political groups and 43.78% do not belong to any. Figures from the National Directorate of Electoral Organization (DNOE) indicate that until Thursday, October 12 at 11:59 p.m., a total of 1,708,647 Panamanians were registered in the different political parties legally constituted and in formation, according to figures from the National Directorate of Electoral Organization (DNOE).

Statistics put the ruling Democratic Revolutionary Party (PRD) with 708,575 registered; Democratic Change (CD), 284,420; Making Goals (RM), 258,840; the Panamanian Party, 240,220 and the Nationalist Republican Liberal Movement (Molirena) reflects 89,085.

For its part, the Another Way Movement (MOCA) has 37,474 members; the Alliance Party, 25,467; the Social Independent Alternative Party (PAIS), 22,559; and the Popular Party (PP) maintains 20,636 members. Of the political groups in formation, the Broad Front for Democracy (FAD) reflects 18,005 adherents, the RELEVO group has 2,918 and the Revolutionary Torrijista Party (PTR) registers 448.