Cortizo delivers 150 homes, sports villas and start of works in Bocas del Toro

News from Panama / Friday, August 25th, 2023

President Laurentino Cortizo delivered this Friday, August 25, a total of 150 homes, sports villas and orders to proceed to improve the supply of drinking water in several communities in the province of Bocas del Toro. 

Cortizo carried out this Friday his community work tour No.147, with which he has carried out a total of 690 actions in 49 months of management, “amount that exceeds those carried out by the three past administrations,” detailed a statement from the State Communication Directorate. 

The president reiterated that his administration has given answers to the population despite the effects of the pandemic, two hurricanes and a war.

In addition, the president stressed that his government has executed “the largest social investment in the history of Panama” to contribute to the fight against poverty and social inequality. 

The ruler in Bocas del Toro met with a group of retirees, with whom he talked about the minimum of 75 million dollars per year contemplated in the new contract with Minera Panama, so that no retiree receives less than 350 dollars per month. 

On the other hand, together with authorities of the Panamanian Institute of Sports Cortizo inaugurated the Villa Deportiva de Barranco with a natural grass soccer field, bleachers and a court multipurpose.

That project includes two other sports villas, one in the community of Las Tablas, which has fields to play baseball and soccer, and the other in Guabito also with a baseball team. These works have a cost of close to 9 million dollars. 

Likewise, the president, with the head of Housing and Territorial Planning, Rogelio Paredes, delivered 150 housing solutions of the Plan Progreso Program with an investment of 4.4 million dollars.