New Fintech platform arrives in Panama to boost sales management in companies

News from Panama / Friday, July 7th, 2023

A new Fintech platform called TAFI, entered the Panamanian market aimed at the commercial management of sales agents, so that they can open accounts to offer financing for obtaining products or a credit card.

TAFI and Mastercard join forces to offer this platform that aims to evolve the traditional model of catalog sales and enhance the commercial management of sales agents. According to a press report by the company, TAFI is the only Fintech in Central America and the Caribbean that has developed a 100% acquisition and customer service model via WhatsApp, where users can quickly and easily contact TAFI staff and provide the requirements to open their accounts.

The platform, made 100% in Panama by Panamanians, allows anyone interested in acquiring a product through this sales model to request a financing option and make their purchase in installments, as well as the possibility of instantly and digitally acquiring the plastic of their TAFI Mastercard credit card.

The report indicates that the TAFI Mastercard credit card will allow catalog sales agents to make payments with Mastercard’s Contactless technology and access a network of more than 100 million stores globally to make purchases, ATM withdrawals, e-commerce and many other benefits, guaranteeing users safe, fast and convenient payment experiences at all times.

“At Mastercard we are proud of the launch of the new Mastercard TAFI credit card to support women entrepreneurs and entrepreneurs in general, with products and services that meet their specific needs. This alliance allows us to reaffirm our commitment to Fintechs to continue promoting financial inclusion in the country, providing users with access to innovative solutions that improve their payment experience, allow them to have greater control over their personal finances and improve their quality of life,” said Eduardo Marin, Director of Business Development at Mastercard. “Our goal is to build an inclusive digital economy, in which the specific needs of all segments of the Panamanian population are met, to promote economic growth and prosperity,” Marin concluded.