Talks advancing for an integrated border post between Costa Rica and Panama

News from Panama / Friday, December 2nd, 2022

An integrated border post between Costa Rica and Panama, at Paso Canoas, is becoming closer to reality as representatives of both governments report talks are moving forward. The objective is to have a one-stop border post for people, vehicles, and merchandise by mid-2023.

These actions are part of the application of the “Framework Agreement to implement binational integrated control systems at the border posts between Costa Rica and Panama” (Acuerdo Marco para implementar sistemas de control integrado binacional en los puestos fronterizos entre Costa Rica y Panamá), ratified by both countries in 2019 and will facilitate the exchange of goods and services.

The post would establish a single stop and juxtaposed controls in Paso Canoas under a doubleheader model; and Sabalito-Rio Sereno and Sixaola-Guabito, under a single header scheme.

“During these negotiations, we managed to advance with the construction works of San Isidro, in Panama and Darizara, in Costa Rica; the latter with a construction progress of 60%”, highlighted Paula Bogantes, deputy minister of Foreign Trade.
