Panama shows its progress to the EU’s observations on illegal fishing

News from Panama / Friday, October 14th, 2022

The Interinstitutional Commission to Prevent, Deter and Eliminate Unreported and Unregulated Illegal Fisheries (INDNR) held a meeting this Friday at the Presidency of the Republic to publicize the progress of the inter-institutional action plan in relation to the observations made by the European Union (EU) in its last audit carried out in June of this year.

The general director of Merchant Navy, Rafael Cigarruista, indicated that the Maritime Authority of Panama has redoubled efforts with new personnel and the creation of an exclusive unit to monitor the control and monitoring of ships that could be related to fishing activities, and communicated the clearance process of the Registry carried out by the institution.

The general administrator of the ARAP, Flor Torrijos presented the inter-institutional advances developed within the framework of the Open Dialogue with the European Union following the Action Plan highlighting aspects of interest as innovative platforms used based on satellite monitoring of both national and international fishing vessels.

Torrijos referred to the use of state-of-the-art technology and 24/7 human resource contracting for the surveillance of fishing vessels and support. He explained that permanent working tables have been installed with all the member institutions of the INDNR commission, in charge of implementing the new fisheries law and other control processes in the traceability of the activity.

He recalled that unreported and unregulated illegal fishing affects the sustainability of natural resources, puts food security at risk, violates national and international laws and the subsistence of thousands of artisanal and industrial fishermen who live from this activity.

“This is an opportunity for Panama to demonstrate that it adapts to the demands of 21st century society, adopting legislation and measures that promote the protection of marine resources and ensure their compliance,” said the general administrator of Arap.

The Secretary of the Presidency, Benjamín Colamarco, assured that all the information that is provided simultaneously is being aligned with the committee and that it is consolidated.

He said that personnel have been hired in the various entities dedicated exclusively to the fight against illegal fishing, such as the Governing State of Port, Market, Flag and Coastal State.