Panama’s hotels to implement use of solar thermal energy

News from Panama / Tuesday, May 18th, 2021

Panama will install one million square meters of solar thermal technology in its hotels by 2050, in order to reduce Carbon Dioxide (C02) emissions into the atmosphere, it was revealed on Friday.


According to the Panamanian Association of Hotels (APATEL), the initiative is part of the project carried out by Termosolar Panama through an inter-institutional alliance between the UN Environment regional office for Latin America and the Caribbean and the National Secretariat of Energy, as part of the climate commitment acquired by the country in the Paris Agreement.

For that purpose, these facilities will install solar water heaters, which will allow Panama to reduce 6.4 million tons of CO2 and save more than three million dollars annually in fossil fuels.

‘The importance of implementing this project stems from the fact that it saves significant amounts of energy per year, which means to mitigate costs for owners and fewer emissions from the traditional hydrocarbon-based electricity grid,’ said APATEL president Armando Rodriguez.

In statements to the newspaper La Estrella de Panama, Rodriguez explained that this solar water heating technology will also facilitate the creation of new jobs related to the installation and maintenance of equipment.

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