Permitting deadline for Colombia-Panama link pushed back to 2023

News from Panama / Tuesday, April 20th, 2021

Panama’s public services regulator Asep has granted additional time to Interconexión Colombia Panamá (ICP) to submit required documents for the planned power interconnection between the countries.

ICP now has until March 2023 to file the approved environmental impact study for the link’s construction and operation.

Under the last extension, the deadline had been September 2020, when the developer requested the extra time due in part to delays stemming from COVID-19 restrictions.

ICP also points to a resolution from the Kuna Wargandi indigenous community that suspended studies from being carried out in their territory over alleged nonfulfillment of government pledges related to land issues.

In its acceptance of the request, Asep highlighted ICP’s continuing efforts to advance technical and complementary work such as updating studies related to the project’s connection with the regional transmission network.

According to preliminary information, the 300kV HVDC link would run 500km from the Cerromatoso substation in Colombia’s Córdoba department to the Panamá II substation in Panamá province, with capacity to transport 400MW.

The line would include a 130km marine stretch to reduce its impact in Panama.

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