Travel: Request to Lift Restrictions in Panama

News from Panama / Tuesday, April 13th, 2021

The business sector requests the country’s authorities to repeal Executive Decree 260, which establishes measures to enter the national territory to people coming from South America.

The Chamber of Commerce, Industries and Agriculture of Panama (CCIAP) requests the National Government to discuss and support the measures to be implemented in a balanced manner, stressing the message that we are facing a health and socioeconomic crisis that must be addressed in a comprehensive manner, where decisions cannot be made exclusively by the Ministry of Health (MINSA).

See “Tourism and Travel: Consumer Interests and Preferences

According to the CCIAP statement, “… Panama is an international transit center that has a regional responsibility as a passenger and logistics hub, so it must be managed with the proper biosecurity protocols.

Jean-Pierre Leignadier, president of CCIAP, explained that “… the incorporation of new measures proposed in this decree creates uncertainty in the destination. Closing the country to the entire South American continent is an inconsistent and hasty measure that does not consider the collateral impacts and is not based on a comprehensive scientific assessment of the situation.

CCIAP emphasizes that the decisions to be taken in the face of the health and socioeconomic crisis be evaluated comprehensively with a focus on general recovery at the national level, concludes the document dated March 31, 2021.
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