Appeal to Reopen Restaurants and Reactivate Tourism

News from Panama / Monday, February 1st, 2021

Given that the table area of restaurants and tourist sites are closed to the public in Panama due to the outbreak of covid-19, the business sector is asking the authorities to reconsider their reopening.

According to the plans for the reopening of the economy, as of February 15, restaurants will be allowed to serve their tables and in the case of beaches, spas and other tourist sites, they will be able to reactivate their operations until March 15.

In this context, the Chamber of Commerce, Industries and Agriculture of Panama (CCIAP) issued a statement in which it supported the request of restaurant owners who demand the National Government to allow them to open their operations under the biosecurity and capacity measures established on September 28, 2020 when they opened after months of closure of operations by decision of the health authorities.

The business guild once again calls on the Ministry of Health and the Ministry of Commerce and Industries to allow the opening of restaurants to serve customers in spaces where the distancing and hygiene measures are complied with as of February 1,” states the CCIAP statement dated January 26, 2021.

Another CCIAP statement emphasizes that “… the guild insists that the indefinite closure of national parks, trails and beaches on weekends is a sanitary measure that contradicts the very essence of these areas, qualified by experts as suitable for healthy recreation and the welfare of people. It is important that the authorities reconsider the total opening of these places, where the risk of contagion has been proven to be very low, with provisions that limit crowds, while allowing tourists to move to their destinations.
Stay Safe!!

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