Covid-19: Outlook for the Financial Sector

News from Panama / Tuesday, March 31st, 2020

The impact of the coronavirus crisis on the financial sector in Central America is expected to be felt mainly in services related to stock brokerage and investment advice, where a drop is expected.

The “Information System for the Impact Analysis of Covid-19 on Business“, prepared by the Trade Intelligence Unit of CentralAmericaData, measures the degree of impact that the crisis will have on companies according to their sector or economic activity, during the coming months.

It is expected that Brokerage houses will be among the businesses that will suffer a greater impact in the coming months. Another sector that is in the group of those that will be impacted, but in lesser magnitude, is that of the Finance Companies.

It is expected that Insurance companies and Financial funds and trusts will be among the activities that will be affected, but to a lesser extent.

According to CentralAmericaData‘s forecasts, the impact on the Banking and Finance activity will not be so significant in this context of crisis, especially when compared to sectors such as Entertainment, Hotels or Transportation.

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