Food: $17 Million for Producer Subsidy

News from Panama / Tuesday, December 3rd, 2019

The National Assembly of Panama approved funds to pay during the second half of the year, incentives to producers of rice, corn and milk grade C.

The Budget Commission of the National Assembly approved in favor of the Ministry of Agricultural Development (MIDA) $17,371,543, to pay incentives to producers, needs an official report.

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The statement reviews that “… The minister of MIDA, Augusto Valderrama, explained that will be supported with non-refundable resources to rice producers, who sell their crop in shell, wet and dirty to the national industry, for the 2019-2020 cycle. He also indicated that they will support producers of grade C milk, which make sales to plants and dairy industries, corresponding to what corresponds to the last half of this year.

Valderrama said that these non-reimbursable funds will consolidate the national production of grains and milk, in addition to ensuring food security of the Panamanian population, through the strengthening of agricultural and dairy activity, because together they represent about 50% of the caloric contribution of the basic food basket.

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