Price Control: More Products Will Be Excluded

News from Panama / Monday, November 25th, 2019

At the beginning of the Cortizo administration the quantity of products with controlled prices in Panama was reduced from 22 to 14, and from January 1, 2020 the list will decrease to 7.

The gradual elimination of price control has been one of the actions that has strengthened the Cortizo administration, because since July 7, eggs, macaroni, beans, lentils, chop, marrow, breast and tuna, ceased to be part of the list of products, whose prices are controlled.

In order to give continuity to this policy, the authorities have announced that as of next year another seven products will be removed from the list.

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Ramón Martínez, Minister of Commerce and Industries, explained to that “… the Price Control Commission, made up of the Ministry of Economy and Finance, the Ministry of Agricultural Development and the Ministry of Commerce and Industries met in early October and evaluated that there are seven products that are close to being out of price control. These products will be released by the behavior they have maintained and by the great supply that exists in the local market.

The hierarch preferred not to give details of the products of the basic basket that will leave the list, whose prices are controlled.

The products whose prices are currently still controlled are brisket, ribbon steak, ground beef, whole chicken, rice, onion, yam, national potato, perita tomato, yucca, powdered milk, soft bread, processed yellow American cheese and sausage.

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