Panama: Economic Activity Fails to Rebound

News from Panama / Wednesday, June 26th, 2019

After the year-on-year variation in economic activity fell from 3.7% to 2.9% between February and March, the rise in April was again 2.9%.

The Monthly Index of Economic Activity (IMAE) in the Republic grew by 3.29% for January-April 2019 compared to the same period in 2019. The monthly year-on-year variation referred to April 2019 was 2.94%, compared to its similar of the previous year, reported the General Comptroller of the Republic.

The document states that “… Among the categories of economic activity that presented a good performance were: transportation, storage and communications, financial intermediation, electricity and water, public administration and construction.

Transport and communications services showed positive behavior, thanks to the performance of the Panama Canal, the movement of containers of the National Port System in TEU; likewise, telecommunications and international passenger transportation by air.

The category of electricity and water supply, in its production, showed positive results because of the greater generation of thermal energy and the contribution presented by the new generation of energy from natural gas. Other activities that showed slower growth were: mining and quarrying, real estate activities, trade and hotel and restaurant services.”

See full report.

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