No Long-Term Plans, No Tourism to Rebound

News from Panama / Wednesday, April 3rd, 2019

This should be the number 1 priority of the new administration and as they say “It is the Economy Stupid”!  For Panama’s tourism businessmen, the lack of government capacity to give continuity to the industry’s plans is one of the main barriers to the growth of the activity in the future.

Although in 2018, the expenditure of tourists in the country totaled $4,605 million, surpassing by 3.3% that recorded in 2017, the sector estimates that more than 60 thousand jobs have been lost in the last three years.

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Regarding what businessmen are asking to improve the situation of tourism, reports that “… the industry has asked to review the law of days off, which according to them when these dates are recorded there is a $70 million contribution to the national economy and from which tourism, especially in the interior of the country, benefits.

Armando Rodriguez, president of the Panamanian Association of Hotels (Apatel), explained that “… it requires an integration among the representatives of the sector that allows the necessary consensus to promote the tourist products that Panama has for the attraction of visitors, besides achieving that the Government which assumes the administration of the State, from next July 1, designs the necessary strategies to get benefits for the economy of the country.

Also see “Tourism in Panama: Revenues Up 3% in 2018” and “Panama: Hotel Occupancy Down 7%“.

Regarding hotel occupancy, data from the Office of the General Comptroller of the Republic indicate that in 2018 hotels in Panama City reported an average daily occupancy of 4,602 rooms, 7% less than that recorded in 2017.

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