In Panama, the study, design, construction, operation and maintenance of the improvements to the components of the aqueduct in Isla Colón, in Bocas del Toro, are tendered.
Panama Government Purchase 2019-2-66-0-01-LP-014765:
“The project will be developed in Isla Colón, Province of Bocas del Toro. The necessary studies will be carried out to determine the future sources of water supply and other complementary studies that will allow the most appropriate solution to be obtained.
Improvements will be made to the raw water intake of Lake Big Creek and the rehabilitation and expansion of the water supply facilities, with the capacity to meet the needs of the design horizon. The houses in each area that depend on these sources of drinking water, to ensure a constant supply of water to homes, businesses and other places. The work includes studies, design, construction, operation and maintenance of the elements of the system that are the subject of this contract, in order to provide the population with a drinking water supply capacity.
Likewise, the rehabilitation designs and system improvements will have to be carried out in order to obtain the most adequate solution that allows a continuous supply of water to the Colon Island, including water intake from Lake Big Creek, existing drinking water plant, storage tank, existing and future wells to be built, rehabilitation of the existing distribution lines and construction of future impulsion and conduction lines. For the implementation of these designs should be considered all that was previously studied. The construction of all these designed elements is also contemplated. As well as the operation and maintenance of these elements for a 2-year period.”
Reference value: $ 6.000.000.
Deadline for receipt of tenders: April 8, 2019.
See tender.