Coffee Price Closes Year Downwards

News from Panama / Monday, January 28th, 2019

In December 2018, it was reported that the international price of a pound of coffee fell to $1, which is equivalent to a 12% drop compared to the same month in 2017.

Data from the International Coffee Organization (ICO) detail that in the last two months of last year also reported a decline in the price of the pound of coffee globally, in this case was 8% as it declined from $1.09 to $1. reviews that “… The ICO calculates that the 18/19 cycle will leave 167.47 million bags, 2.29 million more than the 165.18 million that would be consumed. This oversupply continues to exert downward pressure on prices, which is likely to continue in the coming months.”

You may be interested: “Coffee: Export falls 9% up to 1st Semester 2018

Omar Flores, president of the Coffee Association of El Salvador (Acafesal), explained that “… the fall in prices will not be corrected in the coming months, but until October, when the 19/20 cycle begins. If there is a change, it will be because of a reduction in production in Brazil. But the current fall, has no relation to supply because ‘in the market the cup of coffee does not fall, but the cost is assumed by the producer.”

According to CentralAmericaData, in the last six years, the average price of Central American coffee exports has registered a clear decreasing trend, going from $4.23 per kilo in June 2012 to $3.11 in the same month in 2018.

See ICO statistics.

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