Banking Congress in Panama

News from Panama / Monday, December 3rd, 2018

On February 14th and 15th, representatives of banks, international financial institutions and risk rating agencies will meet in Panama City to discuss issues related to the sector.

The event called “International Banking Congress for Regulators & Bankers,” will be organized by the Superintendence of Banks of Panama (SBP) and seeks to address issues such as Basel III, prevention of money laundering, de-risking, new risks facing the industry, financial innovation-Fintech, cybersecurity, among others.

SBP representatives informed that the congress will have the participation of the banking supervisors of America, banking directors, representatives of correspondent banks, as well as risk rating agencies and multilateral.

Ricardo Fernandez, superintendent of Banks of Panama, said to that “… For the first time, both regulators and bankers will meet in the country in search of best practices to develop the financial sector.

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