Panama Suspends Lettuce Imports from the U.S.

News from Panama / Tuesday, November 27th, 2018

Panamanian authorities suspended the import of the product from the United States, after the FDA issued an alert for the alleged presence of the Escherichia coli bacteria in Romaine.

From the statement of the Panamanian Food Safety Authority:

November 21st, 2018. Based on the statement issued by the FDA on the afternoon of November 20th of this year, which textually states the following:

“The U.S. Food and Drug Administration, the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), along with state and local partners, are investigating a multistate outbreak of E. coli O157:H7 likely linked to romaine lettuce. At this time, the FDA recommends that consumers do not eat romaine lettuce and discard any product until we know more. Retailers, restaurants and other food service operators should not serve romaine lettuce until more is known about this outbreak. If consumers are experiencing symptoms of an E. coli O157:H7 infection, they should immediately seek the care of a health care professional.”

The Panamanian Food Safety Authority (AUPSA) has proceeded to adopt the following precautionary measures:

· The prohibition of imports of tariff items and sanitary registrations associated with romaine lettuce and other varieties of lettuce, while the competent authorities of the United States investigate to determine the origin of the outbreak.
· Informing importing companies of the products concerned to notify them of the measures taken to facilitate mutual cooperation.
· Verification of recently imported lettuces originating in the United States, to proceed with their immediate withdrawal from outlets and warehouses, and carry out the sanitary measure of destruction in a controlled manner.
· Verification of lettuce notifications that are close to their introduction into the country, to carry out the sanitary measure of return or destruction in a controlled manner.

It is important to note that the measures applied by AUPSA apply exclusively to lettuce from the United States.

We reiterate that AUPSA’s primary function is to ensure that imported food entering the country comply with sanitary and phytosanitary standards, which guarantee food suitable for human and animal consumption, for which laboratory analysis of imported food is routinely performed.

We urge the population to inform themselves on our website (, Twitter, Instagram and Facebook, to clarify any information regarding imported food.

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