Construction: $100 Million for New Projects

News from Panama / Tuesday, November 27th, 2018

A residential in Panama, an office building in Costa Rica and an apartment complex in Guatemala are part of the projects expected for the coming months in the region.

The interactive system “Construction in Central America” from the Trade Intelligence Area of CentralAmericaData includes an updated list of public and private construction projects that are expected to be built soon.

Detail of some of the Environmental Impact Studies recently presented:

Promotora El Limon, S.A. presented the EIA to build in the town of Puerto Caimito, in the West Panama province, a residential complex with 180 lots where townhouses and chalets will be built, with high quality finishes. The project includes 12 apartment buildings of 15 floors each. According to the document, an approximately $50 million investment will be made.

The Court of Costa Rica presented the EIA to build in El Roble, province of Puntarenas, a three-level office building with a total area of 31,165 meters. According to the study, $36.5 million is expected to be invested.

Desamix, S.A. presented the EIA to build in Mixco municipality, department of Guatemala, three 12 floors buildings that will house 288 apartments overall. According to the study, the residential complex will have a parking lot for 536 vehicles and the investment planned for the development of the project will be $17.3 million.

CentralAmericaData provides information on projects planned in all Central American countries, with details such as estimated investment, project times and phases, materials and equipment that will be required during and after construction, water treatment, and parking structure, among other things.

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