Air Conditioning Equipment Trading Rules

News from Panama / Tuesday, October 23rd, 2018

On December 28th, 2018, companies which import air conditioning equipment in Panama will have to comply with new energy efficiency standards.

The Representatives of the National Secretariat of Energy (SNE) said that as part of the new regulation, air conditioners, central type, window, inverter and split should have a special label, in Spanish language.

See “Air Conditioning Market Equipment in I Quarter 2018

Jose Ivan Cadogan, lawyer of the SNE, informed to that “… From December, companies must comply with two aspects. One is that all their merchandise is labeled in Spanish, indicate the equipment consumption, have information about the importer, product type, brand, model, cooling capacity, power and savings.

Cadogan added that “… They must also have a certificate that is intended to guarantee that this equipment comply with the energy efficiency indexes. Importing companies have had to request their manufacturers the new labeling, because now Panama has an energy efficiency standard that must meet the equipment entering the country.

Also see “More Air Conditioning Equipment from China

According to CentralAmericaData reports, during the first three months of 2018 the main buyer of air conditioning equipment in Central America was Panama, with $16 million, followed by Costa Rica, with $10 million, Honduras, with $9 million, Guatemala, Nicaragua and El Salvador, with $5 million each.

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