Internet: Demand Increases in Central America

News from Panama / Tuesday, October 23rd, 2018

The percentage of the population with Internet access in Central America increased 17% between 2016 and 2018, increasing from 44% to 61%.

Data from the report “Internet in Central America 2018“, compiled by the Commercial Trade Area of CentralAmericaData:

Currently, Costa Rica is the Central American country with the highest proportion of households with Internet access, with 77% of the total, followed by Panama with 67% and Honduras with 31%.

Regarding the proportion of the total population that has access to the Internet in the region, Honduras, Guatemala and Nicaragua are the countries with the lowest levels, reporting 39%, 42% and 43%, respectively.

Which websites are visited by Central Americans?

The study details that YouTube is the most visited website in the six countries of the region.

About 45% of the total number of users in Central America connect to the Internet via cell phone, while the rest of the population connects via computers and other devices.

The largest proportion of Internet users in the region is people in the 12-40 age range, a group that represents 62% of the total population accessing the network.

When the figures are reviewed according to the place from which they connect to the Internet, the report details that in Central America about 74% of people in the web access from home.

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