Tender to Extend Metro Line 2 Delayed

News from Panama / Monday, August 13th, 2018

August 31 is the new date to submit proposals to design and build the branch that will connect the future Higher Technical Institute of the East, with Tocumen International Airport.

Metro de Panamá has granted a second extension to the deadline for delivery of bids, so that the companies interested in the tender can present their proposals for the work, which consists of the construction of a stretch of two kilometers, which will have two stations.

Prensa.com reports that among the companies interested in the work are ” … FFC and Odebrecht, which as a consortium are building line 2 and also built line 1. Also interested are: Acciona Construcción y Obras con Huarte Lain, S.A., both of Spanish capital; the Brazilian OAS Engenharia e Construção, and the Asian companies China Railway Construction Corporation, TYlin International, Power China and Construcciones Civiles Generales S.A. (Cocige).

See details of the contest.

According to the interactive platform “Construction in Central America” created by the Business Intelligence Unit at CentralAmericaData, the project will be developed between the towns of Tocumen and Las Mañanitas, in the district and province of PanamaA 2-kilometer elevated line will be built starting from the side of the Line 2 station, under construction in front of the UTP, and will move along the south side of Avenida Domingo Díaz, passing over the clover interchange located at the exit of the South Corridor in Tocumen, until it reaches the first station to be built between the facilities of the INADEH and the future Higher Technical Institute in Tocumen (ITSE). From there the journey continues to its second station, in the new south terminal of the airport. 

The information from the platform adds that the type of trains to be used will be similar to those of Line 1. They are of the conventional type with steel wheels, composed of a maximum of five cars of an approximate length of 86 meters. 

See more details about the project

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