This is more testament as to why a few other people think Panama is the place to invest. This is in part due to real estate, hotel development specifically and the duty free zones, which are second to Hong Kong.
According to a report by the Comptroller General, the country received $ 2.362 billion in foreign investment during 2010. This is up from $1.14 billion reported in September.
The Minister of Trade and Industry, Roberto Henriquez, “… attributed growth to real estate, hotels and investment at both the duty free zone in the Caribbean and the Special Economic Area Panama Pacific,” reported Panama America. He commented in September that foreign investors are showing the confidence they have in the country by pouring money into the nation.
“The ministry further commented that the Panamanian government is working to create favorable conditions to attract Foreign Direct Investment and to make the country more competitive by offering investors a really attractive business environment”, noted the article in LaPrensa website