New Measures Against Money Laundering

News from Panama / Monday, April 9th, 2018

In Panama, a list of Panamanians convicted of money laundering, as well as lists issued by the US, Canada and the United Kingdom, will start to be compiled and published.

With the aim of preventing money laundering and terrorism, the National Commission against Money Laundering, Financing of Terrorism and Financing of Weapons of Mass Destruction (Cnbc) issued two resolutions. 

The first states that “Panama will adopt the existing resolutions on the prevention of acts of terrorism of the UN Security Council; as well as all that are issued in the future on this subject.”   See resolution.

The second resolution provides for the publication, also on the Commission’s website, of a list of politically exposed persons from Venezuela. See resolution. reports that “… resolution No.02-018 recommends financial obligors and non-financial obligors adopt extended and reinforced due diligence policies and procedures for transactions related to individuals or legal entities or final beneficiaries of Venezuelan citizens who are or could be politically exposed.

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