Cost of Air Tickets Curbs Tourism in Panama

News from Panama / Monday, April 9th, 2018

Panamanian hoteliers are now trying to counteract the impact of the high costs of air tickets, which in the airlines” criterion respond to the increase in airport taxes and the fuels” price.


According to the CEO of Copa Airlines, Pedro Heilbron, the arrival of more tourists depends not only on advertising and discounts that airlines can provide, but also on the joint work of authorities, unions and the private sector to fulfill more visitors to take advantage of the hotel offer, which exists in the country.

‘The democratization of the airline industry, through low prices and quality, is also fundamental for the strengthening of world-class tourist destinations such as Panama,’ expressed Juan Molano, Wingo’s external communications manager.

To this problem, the president of the Panamanian Hotel Association, Armando Rodriguez, anticipated that the union is examining a proposal aimed at working together with airlines to achieve packages that allow a greater number of visitors to the country.

Heilbron pointed out that these efforts should also influence over better service and attention’s quality, mobility and attractions, determining elements to position Panama as a competitive tourist destination.

Figures from the Institute of Statistics and Census, published by the Comptroller General of the Republic, revealed that at the end of 2017 the percentage of hotel occupancy was reduced by 0.9 percent, with respect to the previous year.

In 2017, the Government created the International Tourism Promotion Fund (FPTI) to streamline policies, programs and projects aimed at attracting more tourists to the national territory.

To this end, the Fund draws from the income received by the Tourism Authority of Panama (ATP) for the service rate to foreign passengers at the Tocumen International Airport, up to $ 10 per person, an annual contribution that will not exceed the 20 million dollars.

According to the administrator of the ATP, Gustavo Him, the FPTI will start operating from August, and he recalled that countries such as, Mexico, Colombia and the Dominican Republic were successful thanks to the fact that they have this resource to promote their tourist destinations internationally.

He specified that the trust of the FPTI is composed of contributions from the Government or other state and municipal entities, international contributions, private enterprise, inheritances, legacies and donations.

The Government invested 24.5 million dollars in the international promotion campaign and within the country to boost domestic tourism, which stands out for its natural beauty, varied biodiversity and a wide chain of hotels with high standards of comfort.

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