Tender for Line 2 Extension In November

News from Panama / Tuesday, October 31st, 2017

The Environmental Impact Study for the 2-kilometer extension of the Metro to Tocumen Airport’s passenger terminal has been approved and the publication of the tender rules for the adjudication of the work with an estimated amount of $125 million was announced.

The director of Metro de Panama, Robert Roy, announced that at the end of November or the beginning of December, the tender documents will be published for the works on the extension of Line 2 up to the passenger terminal at Tocumen.

An article on Prensa.com reports that “…The Ministry of Environment approved the environmental impact study (EIA), category II for the construction of the extension of line 2 of the Metro to Tocumen International Airport. The document was presented by Metro de Panama on August 16 and approved on October 4 without objections from the Environment technicians.  The branch of the mass transit system, to be tendered in early 2018, will have an extension of 2 kilometers and an estimated cost of S125 million. The connection will start at the south station (Technological University), will have an intermediate station at the Technical Higher Institute and will end at the new passenger terminal that is being built in Tocumen.

Regarding the possible participation of Odebrecht in the tender, Roy said that “ … the Metro is responsible for preparing the technical part of the project and that at the moment authorities at the Public Prosecutor’s Office must make a statement, taking into account the agreement that is being negotiated with the company, after recognizing the payment of bribes to officials in several countries to win contracts. On December 27, the Cabinet banned the Brazilian company from being awarded new state contracts and its future participation in public events will depend on whether the company collaborates effectively and efficiently in the investigations being carried out by the Public Prosecutor’s Office, in addition to guaranteeing the payment of the sums to be returned to the State.

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