Taiwan Goes to Honduras and Panama to Buy Coffee

News from Panama / Monday, January 23rd, 2017


From February 7th to 20th a delegation of Taiwanese businessmen will be visiting the two countries to evaluate and buy coffee, and take part in business meetings with local coffee growers.

As part of the Taiwan Coffee Mission 2017, organized by the Ministry of Foreign Affairs in cooperation with the Trade Office for Central America in Taipei, entrepreneurs will visit farms, take part in tastings and hold business meetings with local producers.

This will be the second delegation visiting the region in recent weeks.  The head of the Department of International Cooperation and Economic Affairs, Lee Singing told that Latribuna.hn that  “…In El Salvador alone, the delegation bought 15 containers of coffee, in line with the promises made by the island’s president, Tsai Ing-wen, who returned to Taiwan on January 15 after a tour of Central America.