Panama: Tourism Promotion is Delayed

News from Panama / Monday, October 3rd, 2016


This article reads like a broken record.   Let’s get this done already!!

Two months after the award of a $20 million contract for an international promotion strategy, the adjudicating company is still carrying out its analysis.

Once the company VML International has completed the contract review process, it must then be approved by the comptroller general, which could further delay its implementation.

Mario Barcenas, president of the Panamanian Association of Advertising Agencies, told that “… in the advertising industry review of a contract should not take long, since it is based on the proposal made by the company and was accepted by the person contracting the service, which in this case is the Panamanian government. “

“… VML is charging 3 million dollars for managing the campaign, which will focus on the US market as well as European countries where there is a direct air link with Tocumen International Airport. “