Bottled Water in Panama

News from Panama / Wednesday, February 17th, 2016


Forty water bottling and processing plants operate in the country, distributing more than 20 imported brands or brands produced locally in the country.

While peak consumption of bottled water occurs between January and April, during the dry summer season, growth in consumption and sales of this product has shown an upward trend in recent years, competing directly with sodas and other types of beverages. reports that in the country “…. 7 out of ten households buy bottled water” … and adds that according to calculations by Panamanian bottlers, “… the industry is worth $30 million a year.”

Figures from the Comptroller General of Panama show that “… between January and September 2015 more than 5.82 million liters of mineral water without artificial carbonation came into the country, totaling 3.23 million. While in 2014 the tariff item corresponding only to mineral water totaled more than 8.98 million liters that cost upwards of 4.99 million. The main country of origin is the United States. ”

The general manager of Aguas Cristalinas, Raul Montenegro, states that “… the industry will continue to grow, but he believes that there needs to be more rigor in requiring all companies to comply with the rules.” You have to take this business very seriously . ‘many bottlers do not meet the requirements and everyone should be measured with the same yardstick.’ “