USA Questions Costa Rica About GM Foods

News from Panama / Tuesday, June 2nd, 2015

Monsanto 1

I am sorry, but this smells like the US Government fronting for Monsanto!

The US Embassy has asked whether the government will support a moratorium of up to 15 years on the cultivation of genetically modified organisms.

In circumstances where the Ministry of Agriculture and Livestock of Costa Rica (MAG) is taking non-tariff measures to restrict imports that compete with local production, the Office of Trade Representative of the United States Embassy in Costa Rica, sent a letter to Minister of Foreign Trade, expressing concern about the issue, specifically pointing to the Minister of Agriculture as a driver of the moratorium.

Citing old concepts related food security, Minister Luis Felipe Arauz is managing his own agenda pretending to defend local producers of agricultural imports from markets where agricultural productivity is much higher than it is in Costa Rica.

In recent days, the MAG issued a directive banning the import of pork from Chile, a directive which in just 12 hours was revoked by order of President Solis.

According to an article in, the US Trade Representative states that “… the moratorium may damage the close relationship of the two countries in the Free Trade Agreement (NAFTA).”