Panama: 2015-2019 Logistics Investment Plan

News from Panama / Wednesday, March 11th, 2015

dulcidio de la guardia

The Ministry of Economy and Finance has reported that in order to develop the logistics industry in Panama a $3,277 million public investment will be made during the next five years.

From a statement issued by the Ministry of Economy and Finance in Panama:

$3.277 billion to enhance the Panamanian Logistics Sector

Minister Dulcidio De la Guardia presented to the COEL the Government Strategic Plan for 2015-2019.

The Minister of Economy and Finance, Dulcidio De La Guardia, said that in order to develop the logistics industry in Panama a public investment will be made of 3.277 million dollars during this five-year period, corresponding to projects under the Strategic Government Plan (PEG by its initials in Spanish) 2015-2019.

The information detailed by the head of public finances in a conversation about the Government Plan and its Impact on National Logistics Development, organized by the Business Logistics Council (COLE) and held on Tuesday March 3, noted that transport, storage and communication are major contributors to GDP, with a share of 18.6% in 2014.