Duo The ‘Panama Paddlers’ set a new world record

News from Panama / Thursday, June 12th, 2014

Well, they did it.

WHAT started out as a “crazy idea in the pub” five years ago has ended in a world record for two Bristol friends.

Former Bristol Grammar school pupils Arron Ford and Rob Cunliffe began paddling their way around Panama in Central America in March.

Despite suffering many obstacles along the way – and even a stay in hospital for Rob – the 1,000km paddle around the country’s coastline has got them into the record books.

But the 24-year-olds also had a more serious underlying reason for their adventure.

They were aiming to raising awareness of conservation issues in Panama, and collected samples and data throughout their paddle in the hope it could contribute to the environmental protection of the area and its wildlife.

Along their 650-mile paddle, the boys hoped to scope out undiscovered populations of the Antillean manatee, of which there are only 2,500 left in the wild, and determine the status of a critically endangered salamander, as well as take the first ever photographs of it.

Rob previously told the Post: “We had a crazy dream five years ago, talked about it in the pub for four years and finally got serious about it for the past year.

“We’re both keen surfers and paddleboarders, though we’re a long, long way from professional.”

Rob and Arron travelled around Panama in 2009, and vowed to return at a later date and do their bit to help conserve the country.

Rob said: “It’s an area we both visited in 2009 and were blown away by the beauty of the place and how untouched much of the country was. We also saw extensive destruction of habitat to make way for a booming tourist industry and made a promise to return.”

The pair flew out to Central America early after bad weather hampered their training in the UK, and started their paddle at the end of March.

This week the pair posted on social media: “Who’d have thought it.. 2 boys from Bristol have now paddled further than any person in the history of man. WORLD RECORD BROKEN!”

In regular updates sent to supporters they also revealed they had suffered dysentery and excruciating pain to their feet along the way.

But they were kept in good spirits and just a month into their trip did come across a manatee.

To find out more visit www. panamapaddle.com