Why Not Export Marijuana to Where it is Legal?

News from Panama / Thursday, June 12th, 2014

Talk about a great cash crop!!  This idea has some merit and pay back for the countries in Latin America that got hammered by the Great War on Drugs that has been a complete failure.

“If the consumption of a product is legal, so is its trade.” Although the Guatemalan proposal to free up export of of the drug will surely kick up some dust, its logic is unassailable.


The legalization of marijuana in Uruguay and the U.S. states of Colorado and Washington has opened a door for a proposal by Guatemala to legalize its production and export.

An article on S21.com.gt reports that “… Guatemala has raised the idea with other Latin American countries within the OAS of legalizing the export marijuana as part of a debate on the reorientation of drug policy ahead of a summit on the subject in September.”

“… The region has left behind the politics of the drug war fueled by Washington in the 80s, which failed to reduce either consumption and production, and is now studying changes in the international treatment of marijuana after legalization its in Uruguay and the U.S. states of Colorado and Washington. ”

Guatemalan Foreign Minister, Fernando Carrera made his proposal during the assembly of the maximum inter-American organization held in Paraguay, a country that “… is the largest producer of marijuana in South America, because in Paraguaya there are fields where about 30,000 tons are grown each year, according to the authorities. ”

“… Cannabis accounts for 80% of the illicit global drug market. If you take it out of the equation you can focus attention on controlling the other 20%, which includes substances that are highly dangerous and harmful to health where there is probably no other choice but to ban them.”

Carrera said that “… legal studies are underway to see how to remove the current ban, through the issue of licenses to companies so that they can export to markets where marijuana is legal.”

Source: s21.com.gt