Panama: Shrimp Exports Up

News from Panama / Monday, April 7th, 2014

Panama has some of the best seafood in the world and the shrimp are no exception.

In 2013, foreign sales increased by 85% compared to 2012, generating foreign exchange earnings of $76 million.  The growth in demand from Asian countries coupled with the rise in international prices explain the sharp increase in shrimp exports from Panama, which is now seeking to increase its presence in new markets.

“It is also looking to increase its presence in the U.S. after a recent visit to the seafood trade fair in Boston, which included the participation of Panamanian shrimp cultivating companies such as Camarones de Coclé y Cultosa, who were able to make contact with potential U.S. importers.”

In regards to other seafood products, the Comptroller General’s Office said there has been “increased exports of fishmeal and fish oil, a sector which a few years ago was also depressed.”

According to an article in “in 2013 exports of fish meal and oil totaled $34.8 million, representing an increase of 76.4% compared to 2012.”