$450 Million Loan Approved for Road Works

News from Panama / Sunday, December 16th, 2018

Banco Centroamericano de Integración Económica signed a loan contract with the FCC Consortium to finance the six-lane extension of the beach corridor in Panama, Section I: La Chorrera-Santa Cruz.

The project “Expansion to six lanes, Las Playas Corridor, Section 1: La Chorrera-Santa Cruz, which has an approximate length of 36.3 kilometers, and begins at the end of the Arraiján – La Chorrera highway and ends at the entrance to Santa Cruz (before the crossing over the Lagarto River),” was awarded in November 2017.

See “$543 million Contract Awarded for Road Works Project

From the CABEI statement:

Panama, December 10th, 2018. The Central American Bank for Economic Integration (CABEI) granted financing to the Six-lane Expansion Project of the Las Playas Corridor, Section I La Chorrera-Santa Cruz in Panama for US$450 million.

The Executive President of CABEI, Dr. Dante Mossi, and representatives of the FCC Las Playas I Corridor Consortium signed the financing contract at the CABEI Regional Office in Panama.

During the event, Dr. Mossi stated that this project will contribute to regional integration by improving and increasing the national paved road network, particularly this road allowing the improvement of competitiveness and tourism by reducing the time and cost of transport.

Read full statement.

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