$20 million International Tourism Promotion

News from Panama / Monday, April 25th, 2016


The Tourism Authority of Panama will directly hire an advertising agency to develop two years of international promotion campaigns.

The head of the entity, Gustavo Him, told Prensa.com that “… the call began last week and they expect to receive six proposals in the month of May.” The decision not to invite tenders and make a direct hire was made by the National Tourism Council, who came to this conclusion because of the delays that occurred in the process of defining the tender.

This announcement comes days after Him announced that the budget available for the international promotion of the country is $10 million, in addition to the $5 million planned for the local campaign. However, according to Prensa, the budget could now be $20 million since the ATP requested, “… in addition to the experience that agencies should have … a proposal to manage $20 million over two years. “

Him explained that “… the CNT, whose president is Pedro Heilbron CEO of the Panamanian airline Copa Airlines, established that the agencies invited should have expertise in brand management and advertising in the United States, Europe and Asia.”