Tender for Port Concession in Panama

News from Panama / Tuesday, November 25th, 2014


The ACP is preparing the prequalification process and negotiated tender for the design, construction, development and operation of a container port in the area of West Corozal.

The port will be developed on land owned by the Panama Canal Authority (ACP), and will be done in two stages, which include “… A construction area of ??2,081 linear feet of piers, patio and container structures such as offices and warehouses. ”

Prensa.com reports that “… The first phase will include 1,350 meters of quay, three docking areas for neopanamax ships and those with a capacity of about 3 million TEUs or units equivalent to 20-foot long. Projections are that 3 million TEUs will be moved in the first stage and another 2 million TEUs in the second phase. ”

‘… The terminal will have a access channel which will be 16.3 meters deep and 18 meters depth along the pier. The project will include facilities for turning neopanamax ships. The port will be able to berth five neopanamax ships simultaneously.”

‘… The next steps include proposing legislation through the Executive and the National Assembly in order to afford bidders the same tax benefits that other port operators in the country have, so that they can operate on an equal footing. After completing this step, the ACP will publish the specifications and make the call for the tender. “