Carnival time in Panama

News from Panama / Tuesday, February 14th, 2012

Carnival in Panama, the most anticipated event of the year,  will start Saturday, February 18.

For visitors or expatriates it is an adventurous way to experience the heart of Panamanian culture.

It it is the colorful interior of the country that defines Panamanian roots and where people return in droves to celebrate Carnival. In the daytime tanker-sized trucks spray the screaming crowds in the equatorial heat. In the evenings there are fireworks, parades, and outdoor dance clubs.

Carnival is celebrated all over the interior but is most famous in Las Tablas, Pennomene, and Los Santos. You can rent a car or take a bus to go from town to town.

Pennomene is less crowded than the larger celebration in Las Tables and one of the most famous towns for water games. Giant water trucks each play different music as masses of people jump and dance calling for “agua.” The games are at their peak before noon.

In the afternoon people slowly leave the quaint town and parade down the side of the mountain to the river. Adults and children swim and hide from the sun under the trees. In the evening, floats come down the river with the Pennomene Carnival Princess.

Many people the go to private parties or drive to Las Tablas for more festivities.

Las Tablas is the center of Carnival and considered by far the best party in the country.After lively water games on all sides of the town square, the crowds disperse around 1 a.m. to sleep or to go to other towns, and then return after dark for all-night festivities.

In the evening the Carnival Queen of Panama is readied, the floats travel around the square, and the people on top wear elaborate costumes. After the floats finish, the festivities continue with fireworks and outdoor nightclubs. The main square is a good place to have a beer and chat with new friends.

For a full calender of events, click here