Are There Opportunities for Central America in Cuba?

News from Panama / Tuesday, May 5th, 2015

cuban flag

I have heard that vast sums of money have been made by many Panamanians in trade  with Cuba and that may change as the embargo is lifted and competition is likley to set in.

The promise of a lifting of the embargo by the US government has generated great expectations for investors and entrepreneurs from around the world.

The Governor of New York is traveling Cuba to explore the business opportunities that could arise from the lifting of trade restrictions imposed by the US government 50 years ago.

An article on items , outlines that “…The Solomon Islands and the Arab Emirates have opened embassies, and the Cuban diaspora who are dreaming up fabulous ventures and transfering money to relatives on the island to buy local land and buildings and rent shops are legion . ”

“… Also arriving are bankers, fiber optic installers, concessionaires, mining companies, distributors of dairy products, pharmaceutical companies… “This country is virgin,” said one Cuban resident in Rome doing the paperwork for repatriation in order to venture into real estate. ”

“… The arrival of delegations responds to reality. Without domestic savings to undertake development projects which require about 2,000 million euros a year, the island needs foreign capital. ”