Hotel Occupancy Rate in Panama At 85% During Carnival

News from Panama

Thanks and a hat tip to Don Winner for this timely post. The hotel occupancy rate in Panama City and in the interior of the country now stands at 85%, thanks to Panama’s attraction as a tourism destination during Carnival. Jesus Sierra, president of the Panamanian Association of Hoteliers, attributes this success to the recent […]

February 5, 2013

More goings on in Boquete

News from Panama

There was a delicious irony in a group of Boquete citizen-actors producing a play about the residents of an insane asylum producing a play for the other inmates. Cosi, which I saw last Sunday, is one of the funniest and most delightful times I can remember in 30 years of theater going.  Thank you Mark […]

January 30, 2013

Bid 4 Boquete Mega Charity Event

News from Panama

Bid 4 Boquete, Chiriqui’s biggest charity event, kicked off its 2013 season with a boutique clothing sale on Sunday, January 5, in downtown Boquete. The high-end apparel, culled from thousands of donations, earned approximately $2000 toward this year’s goal. Clothing which did not sell at the four-hour event will be featured again in a special […]

January 30, 2013

Bad day fishing in Panama, Marlin wins!!

News from Panama

I caught a 500 pound Blue Marlin this last year with the Panama Big Game Fishing Lodge here in Boca Chica and we backed down on the fish to get it to the boat quick and release it.  Problem with that is you need an experienced captain watching the fish, the fisherman and the waves […]

January 30, 2013